Category: News & Politics
>> and now some other headlines that we're watching this morning. new york governor kathy hochul telling wy n c that she was outraged and fired her top aide last year. as soon she was presented evidence of misconduct and reported her to the authorities. a justice department investigation... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In a shocking turn of events former new york governor kathy hotel's aid linda sun has been indicted she stands accused of working as an agent for china the accusations against sun are serious they strike at the heart of american democracy prosecutors allege that sun while employed in the new york state... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Fbi arresta a exasesora de nueva york por fungir como agente externa de china la oficina federal de investigaciones de estados unidos fbi detuvo este martes a linda son exjefa adjunta del personal de la gobernadora de nueva york katy hoku por actuar supuestamente como agente externa del partido comunista... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hey everyone today we're diving into a jaw-dropping scandal involving linda's son a former aid to two new york governors and her husband chris hul the allegations us prosecutors have accused linda's son of accepting lavish gifts from the chinese government in exchange for violating state protocols these... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Shocking revelation in new york politics a former aid to governor cathy hok charged as a chinese agent how deep does this alleged espionage go linda son once a deputy chief of staff to governor hosel faces multiple charges including acting as an undisclosed agent for the chinese government her husband... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] i'm claude mcdaniel and this is your evening update on streaming news network in a stunning development today new york governor kathy hawle has voiced her fury after discovering that one of her former top aids is accused of acting as a spy for china linda sun who served as deputy chief of staff... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Now federal prosecutors in the us have indicated have indicted rather a former aid to new york's governor accusing her of being an agent of the chinese government linda son and her husband chris hugh allegedly received millions of dollars in cash and gifts in return for promoting beijing's interests... Read more
Category: Sports
Former aid to new york governor is charged with acting as an agent of the chinese government a former aid to new york governor kathy hokel and former governor andrew cuomo was charged with acting as an agent for the chinese government us attorney brien pece announced tuesday linda son a former deputy... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What if someone working for the highest levels of government was secretly acting as a foreign agent sounds like a spy thriller right but this isn't fiction it's happening right now in new york in a shocking story that's shaking up us politics and international relations a former aid to new york governors... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Former top aid for new york's governor hok is charged with acting as a foreign agent for china now at the end of this i'm going to give you my take about like why this story is so important but before we do all that let's first talk about the details about this story and what exactly happened so i first... Read more
Category: News & Politics
She worked in the new york state government for more than 10 years culminating in a period as deputy chief of staff to governor kathy hawel now linda's son has been indicted accused of secretly acting as an agent of the chinese government the 41-year-old is charged with violating the foreign agents... Read more
Category: News & Politics
It's one thing be a fool but don't be a cow we don't need cows god don't even like cows devil don't even care for cows come on guys and this as well x katie holton the governor of new york and c some aid and husband work at foreign agents for the chinese spurns milons on mansions white condos ferraris... Read more