overthrown chat say overthrown in the chat overthrown can I get a overthrown in the chat overthrown and I'm going to run cheese plate cheese play yeah it's me Chad watch this watch this he a going be he ain't going to know what to do okay never mind never mind [Applause] hurry up J damn damn damn damn but we do get ball back at second half so I had to try it I had to try it I had to try it don't be mad don't be mad Jaylen don't be mad you know we still love you we still do love you around here Jaylen Mr jayen especially for that steamer earlier that was a steamer across the field steamer a whole steamer across the field one thing about Breeze they the we're getting more juice we're going to get more juice we're going to get more juice always we always get more juice tell me look look at that look at that we always get more juice on whatever on whatever side of the ball we're running to we always get more juice we're going to get more juice they'll go [Applause] that's y we going to develop a whole scheme just out of this formation right here developing whole scheme out of Mr jayen you're like that Mr Jaylen you probably get all the holes on campus Jaylen jayen Jaylen jayen Jaylen Jaylen jayen jayen jayen jayen jayen be real how many [ __ ] you done [ __ ] on campus be real no jayen jayen jayen jayen how many [ __ ] have you [ __ ] and be real and be real Jaylen how many how many [ __ ] you [ __ ] 177,000 yeah I know I know them Alabama [ __ ] he probably got a STD probably [ __ ] [ __ ] all them [ __ ] he probably got a [ __ ] STD he got I know come on chat come on chat come on chat playing like that you got to have SCD I'm no no no no no no no no no no absolutely not okay absolutely not come on chat that's what I do Alabama's Playbook is just so it's just so like it's just so it's just so unique yeah CH it's just so it's just so unique like you can't find [ __ ] like this in in other playbooks holy I don't even want to S pressure more you you you got it bro you got it you got it you got it when they he's going to quit he's going to quit d That's a [Applause] fast whoever that was he just got burned I'm running okay bro you got it you got it you got it you got it you got itent and Heist and he's a lot you know it does get baggy down here it gets bagg is baggy down here damn he does do that in real life I did see the Florida versus Miami game so he yeah you got a point no no no you got me there you got me okay you got me okay not getting that again I promise not it again oh [ __ ] you got [Applause] it oh he ran that one play that I do out of out of Georgia play I just noticed that [Applause] Chad that [ __ ] done made a new sound B what comes up must go down you head very Drive last a yeah mixing and matching play calling really well nice balance on that last they can and I don't expect anything when you put together a drive like that I would do more of the [Applause] that big ass tight end getting sticky I'm getting sticky chat you know I get sticky you know I get sticky down here it gets baggy well not to me not not for me but you know I get sticky a running we always get extra juice we always get extra juice I'm looking at y'all D and all the off the got the lead late didn't get the first that last one but it's not going to surprise anybody if they turn around and hand it off again ah he started backpedaling and [ __ ] like [ __ ] you don't get your [ __ ] we need Joe on the game bro spam up get Joe on the [Applause] game that's how you get juice that's how you get juice whichever way I'm running it to you're not going to be able to stop you because I got extra juice over there I got juice I got juice juice now bro lagging now now no no no now bro lagging right yeah now now bro lagging my my ethernet a cable connected so uh yeah yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you Now give me a good now give me a give me a better team give me a better team give me a better team I said a better team not [ __ ] Kentucky they going to quit too literally all I'm going to do is run the ball and they going to all I'm going to do is run the ball teams [Applause] the ball squir through the that'll be a they'll bring it out to the 25 bro I thought he was playing with that blit what's up what you want to have a bang out you want to have a bang out come on chat thought I was playing with that bit we s pressure [Applause] the that [ __ ] got BL oh my gosh why did he blur like that well I don't know why but still the on theard I think about Breezy respect the Run you're going to respect the why y why yall dropping back you're going to respect the run though I promise you I promise you that I promise you you will respect the run you will respect the run you will respect the run I don't got to go for a tutty a but uh yeah Buck tack but they're going saw good he not right now y'all not right now not not right now maybe maybe another time but [Applause] uh that's a mismatch over there that's a mismatch a [Applause] got now we're going under Center and one thing about Breezy y'all know y'all y'all already know y'all know I don't give a [ __ ] if my running back is tired as hell look at him he's sitting there weezing and beeing still don't care watch this [ __ ] off me little boy [ __ ] off me little boy I should I should have my [Applause] Alabama got like a lot of people I didn't even realize like they have a lot of people on their team like a lot of people a lot of good people as a matter of fact [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] that [ __ ] ran right past me he ran right past me you know you can't tackle me he ran right past him this guy might be good though let me stop [Applause] this it to the 25 all right you think think I'm think I'm you think I'm blit you think I'm think I'm blitzing you think I'm blissing you think I'm blissing he think I'm [Applause] [Applause] blissing he think he thought I was blitzing he thought I was blitzing no sir I'm not blitzing Alabama you have to live up to the Legacy the legacy of Jonathan [Applause] theel this looking like an easy schedule we got we got ourselves an easy schedule what do we pay this team no no no no no no no no no Chad do we pay the [Applause] team when finally able to make the re you and I were talking about this how is this defense going to be able to deal all n can't do [ __ ] why he can't do [ __ ] [Applause] youe man no no Jan no they will not end it on a high note they will not I won't allow it actually I won't you know who you talking to best player in the [Applause] find the ball punt the ball punt the ball the ball [Applause] I tried I tried to tell him tell [Applause] [Applause] field that is not the way I want to create moment or start my first I'm not sure what they were thinking on he had that in his hands too thank you thank you thank you you think that's just what I do chat that's I throw Steamers all across the field with jayen Steamers Steamers steamer steamer steam steamer freak ass freak ass mascot look at him you y'all see that okay wait hold on now wait do wait do that again wait hold on hold on I'll do that again Chad look at his ass fre guys just like Charles [Applause] that SCS through the back of the it'll beuy them in a don't fumble that's all I have to say Do not fumble that [ __ ] got right off the line y'all see that he got right off the line we do have a lineer on our running back so might be cooked here but F [Music] [Applause] you through that a little too early I dare you to throw that I he wanted to throw that he wanted to throw that he he wanted to throw it to number seven I would have said give me that give me that they third 45 from the guns to pass midle and wings it incoe he almost had that [ __ ] too he almost had that [ __ ] he almost had [Applause] that if he don't get right here he's going to quit watch watch he going to [Applause] quit I don't know why why did that not work yeah just nothing J nothing nothing nothing feel [Applause] thing I did with him last time pause pause pause pause [ __ ] f it scramble scramble wasn't [ __ ] open Chad wasn't [ __ ] open now we can just we can just kill the clock and just run the ball I I don't want I don't feel like passing the ball I I take my three very interesting you want to call oh you want to call a time okay we got some that was a bad catch [Applause] animation that was a bad catch [Applause] animation I think that's the [Applause] second yeah yeah he is like that he's like that in the game and apparently in real life cuz EA is very accurate with their games I'm not even going cap they have everything down to a t I'm seeing I'm seeing mother is in real life doing the same touchdown celebrations as in the game My [ __ ] My [ __ ] you can't say this game isn't realistic besides all the bugs and and like all the dumb [ __ ] that happens this game is actually very realistic and I'm sending three Re man pressure watch thre man pressure three man pressure [Applause] looking down it'ser [Applause] let that [ __ ] go to half time bro and I'm not killing clock either I'm I'm I'm airing the ball out and I want to score again I'm airing the ball out and I want to score this actually he think I'm a he think I'm a two clock got it the kick and they get out so the decision has and the will take theen on first I learned this second actually and let's [Applause] see the ofab quter fting let's see if thiser [Applause] this might man I miss I went to I meant to free form that ho I free fored it in everything I did everything I was supposed to do if we don't get this I'm going for it no never mind we not oh we got [Applause] it now one thing about Breezy you're not going to be able to stop the run not going to be able to stop youon tell you so you get stuffed on first down and now you have the offensive coordinator thinking a little bit have to throw it now in this second what are we going to see defensively now that they know we're thr might us do I have to leave more guys [Applause] BL pass just beers not going to be tight ends this running back he a weap catch right there throw you don't man everybody up on gold CH that's a that's a beginner move go ahead quick chat that a beginner move don't man everybody up on go line please it's this just bad it's just bad it's bad like for real it's bad cuz I'm I'mma come out with that play with that play right there touchdown every time touch down touch down touchdown every time all right now let me get a good opponent please let me get a good team against a good team against a good team against a good team still not a great it's not a great team but a good team not a great team but a good team I'm reporting that college football I'm reporting that I guess that'll be the [ __ ] end of this game play holy [ __ ] sorry Lord holy y'all see what I do though y'all see what I do