Category: Sports
Introduction (don't skip this! lol) what is good everybody welcome back to another episode brought to you by the league ffb draft season is officially behind us or at least it is for probably 99% of us up to this point maybe today is the last day that you will be doing some of your drafts but because... Read more
Category: Sports
Hello everybody welcome to the rotor football show i am patrick dy joined by denny carter on tuesday september 3rd it's the regular season except it's not still quite the regular season i still have a draft left still have a slow draft ongoing we're in the weird in between zone of draft season and the... Read more
Category: Sports
Hello everybody welcome to the root world football show it's thursday august 29th the final thursday without regular season nfl football i am patrick dy joined by my co-host mr denny carter and the even though we're only a week away we're still probably many many drafts away i think i have seriously... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome to an extra hot episode of extra hot baby hot se pod brought to you by playbook sports i'm anthony to my right i got the goat the throat goat that's crazy wily will what's good yeah i manan we got some good ball talk here top 10 fancy running backs for the 2024 2025 season yep uh if you watch... Read more
Category: Sports
What's going on guys it's nick here back with another video in today's mock draft monday i figured we would take a look at basically my favorite pick so i'm going to take uh 10 team league from the five pick so we're kind of right in the middle there and i'm basically every time we do like a a wrap... Read more
Category: Sports
We always tell you your league is not one and lost at draft time but one of the most critical parts of your season comes right after that the first few weeks where things can get a little bit weird where studs can start slow and where you really need to keep from panicking and selling off guys that... Read more
Category: Sports
On today's show we are going to discuss the most important usage nuggets from preseason week 2 as well as trade news big trade today injury news depth chart news around the league and most importantly how all of this has affected our fantasy football rankings for drafts let's get into it here with news... Read more
Category: Sports
Introduction (don’t skip this! lol) [music] what is good everybody welcome back to another episode brought to you by the league ffb and today we are going to be talking about some players that you can add to your fantasy football teams before week one starts of the regular season that way you can get... Read more
Category: Sports
On today’s show on today's show we are going to discuss the most important news of the last week fallout from cutdown day week three preseason usage injuries holdouts and how all that has affected our rankings the biggest story the story that kyren captivated the fantasy world was shawn mcvey announcing... Read more
Category: Sports
Over the next week and a half millions of people are going to be drafting their fantasy football teams that's why you need the best rankings possible because when the season comes to an end you better believe that headliner nation is walking away with those rings those trophies those belts and most... Read more
Category: Sports
After his breakout campaign in 2019 i was getting the same question over and over that off season how do we find the next cooper cup lo and behold just a few seasons later we have another wide receiver from the la rams that took fantasy football and the nfl by surprise puka nakua well everyone's asking... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro what is going on headliner nation hopefully everyone is doing well out there today we're going to be diving into our last set of offseason rankings here before week one next week we're getting ready to dive into the regular season which is absolutely crazy to think about now these rankings in... Read more