EDG Chichoo embarasses team heretics 💀 #valorant - on this clip we will see how EDG chichu became the raid boss Dodge every bullet to 1v5 team Heretics this the plays being made all across the board G you you didn't have to do it to him not like that embarrasses Heretics in V tree he is the immovable...
He is HIM || EDG are the vct champions 2024 #bestvct #valorant #valorant4k - wrangled Twisted out of the hands of the EDG players going push this the pressure shifted onto them and K Kang forc to step up to the moment that's oh my God Qui K gang he's mon my God oh my God what the just happened dude that the angel of death is ...
Chichoo Valorant Ace in Grand Finals of VCT Champions #valorant #zmjjkk #vctchampions - resets it P is called but plays being made all across the board G je you didn't have to do it to her not like that embarrasses Heretics Inver tree he is the immovable object of EDG and could we have it any other way and that's an ace if I've ever see...
EDG Win Valorant World Championship! - big weekend in Esports first things first over on the valerant side Edward gaming takes down team Heretics 3 to2 in the valerant world championship the number one seed from China manages to take down the number three seed from EMA and a big shocking ...
Damit2k Reacts to EDG vs TH | CHUNG KẾT VCT Champion Tour Seoul 2024 /VALORANT/ - cái round thiếu pistone này thôi đã chiếm một tầm gần đến từ v k càng càng rồi nhồi một quả smoke Oneway rất khó chịu đến từ vị trí của An trặng smoke vẫn cò ba noya idg có thể phòng thủ được Cái trái spik này không một ai mó đế htic cả họ sẽ vỗ mặt ...
VALORANT CHAMPIONS 2024 💫 #valorant #champions #2024 #shorts - if never wa I'll never fight wa I'll sacrifice right up the finder hour pain is my superow keep my head up high run through rain and shine can I get without the power pain is my super power [Music]
I was in Valorant Champions 2024 #shorts #valorant - 발로란트 챔피언스 서울 승자,패자조 결승전과 최종 결승전에 갔다왔습니다. 제 원래 계획은 최종 결승전만 갔다 오는 것이였지만, 충동적으로 금요일 티켓도 구매하였고, 레비아탄이 등장할때 경기장에 왔다는 걸 깨달아버렸습니다 저는 c0m 선수랑 johnqt 선수를 매우 좋아하는데 아쉽게도 두 팀이 다 저벼렸습니다. 최종 걸승전은 더 즐길거리가 많았습니다. EDG와 TH는 대단했고, 왜 결승전에 왔는지 알수 있는 경기력이였습니다. EDG가 우승하였고...
Valorant Champions 2024 finals #valorant #champions2024 #vctchampions - हेलो एवरीवन वेलकम टू लाइव दिस इ मी तानि आई होप यू गाइस आर डूइंग जस्ट गुड एंड हाउज लाइफ हैपनिंग माय थोट स्टिल नॉट फाइन ट इ द अपडेट फ्रॉम माय साइड एंड आई गट द प ओपनर फ्रॉम यशु हाय सिरी वेलकम टू लाइव आई होप यू आर डूइंग गुड एप ओपनर डन आ प्ले वन टू डेथ मै...
MARK TUAN ft KISS OF LIFE "2024 VALORANT Champions Opening Ceremony" REACTION!! - hello hello hello and welcome back to my channel and today well um I know I haven't actually reacted to the song yet and I haven't heard it but I saw that there is a live performance of the song for valorent again I only know this is a game don't kno...
CHAMPION! EDward Gaming vs Team Heretics - HIGHLIGHTS | Valorant Champions 2024 - I'm doing a special 1200 VP giveaway for this video to participate you need to subscribe my channel like this video and leave a comment below good luck to everyone I'll be sharing the results on my Instagram story so don't forget to follow me on Inst...
EDG Wins VALORANT Champions, Gen.G Pick DK & Most Popular Steam Games - interesting all right let's do a quick check I used to pray for times like this we were Bamboozled four years ago only a man can dream welcome to shy T1 bro imagine that timeline just imagine it imagine that timeline how crazy it would have been that...
EDG gewinnt VALORANT CHAMPIONS! #valorant - was für ein valerin Champions Finale und tatsächlich wird auch Geschichte geschrieben ich fasse euch das letzte Match der Saison ein letztes Mal zusammen ihr könnt den follow und wir gehen dann auch rein meine Freunde auf Haven starten wir direkt mit...
Kangkang is the GOAT now! - Valorant Champions Tour 2024 Champions - round 21 the tension is on an all-time high team Heretics on the brink of a comeback EDG their backs against the wall but one player refuses to yield Kong Kong with a defiant spirit makes a bold move he forces a buy backed by smoggy and Simon he char...
Valorant Champions Grand Final in Seoul 🔥 - I forever never I'll never fight when I'll sacrifice right up the finder hour p is my super power keep my head up high run through rain a shine can i s without the pain is my super [Music] power power
GG EDG Campeã do Valorant Champions 2024. #valorant #mundial - chorando é difícil demais um vai chorar e o outro vai sorrir agora chegou o momento de levantar o trofé a edg vai momento que todo jogador sonha aí a edg é campe do Champions Que beleza cara comemora torcedor da edg
Grand Final! Edward Gaming vs Team Heretics | Valorant Champions 2024 - not only have they broken history broken their own limits but also potential chance to grasp that Trophy and the same could be said for Heretics we're getting a really unusual map to start this one off the Des were hinting at it but we've seen only l...
EDG CHICHOO Solo 1v5 Against TEAM HERETICS | Streamers React - get it P is C yo what a stun what a stun oh my God you didn't have to do it to him not like that embarrasses Heretics Inver tree he is the immovable object of EDG n no any other way nah I've ever seen one okay now that is the best round we've seen at...
TenZ & FNS Reacts To EDG KangKang 3 Minutes Destroying Team Heretics In 2024 VCT - wrangled Twisted out of the hands of these EDG players the pressure shifted onto them and K Force to step up to the moment that's oh my God gang he's my God oh my God what the [ __ ] just happened dude that the angel of uh maybe the pressure shifted ...
[FR] EDG vs Team HERETICS | VALORANT CHAMPIONS SEOUL 2024 | GRANDE FINALE - 챔피언츠 서울 그랜드 파이널에 오신 여러분 환영합니다 이 트로피를 향한 여정의 끝 그 정상에서 만날 두 팀을 소개하겠습니다 중국 발론한트 자존심 태의 에와 게이 지 Gol smogi B fish coach mesdames et messieurs nous avons rendez-vous avec l'histoire ce matin entre ces deux équipes les UDG de kengkeng face au hretics de Ben...
EDG S1Mon 0.5s 1v2 CLUTCH Against Team Heretics | Streamers React - good oh my God this lurk is huge T from and it leaves it down to one the rookie oh my God Simon if there was ever a Time confidence s if there was ever a time there is no way Simon wins this round there is no way Simon wins this round there's no way ...