martin shkreli
Country: us | Search volume: 1000 | Started At: 2024-08-25 | Ended At: 2024-08-27
Related Transcripts
Martin Shkreli: «We Like Meta Stock» - so yeah meta meta's a really cool company we've been fans of meta here for a while um it's fascinating actually if you see their their marketing and sales costs have dropped dramatically that's interesting costs don't matter that much to meta but it'...
This Equation Is Wall Street 101. Warner Bros Discovery Stock Analysis | Martin Shkreli - Warner Brothers and Discovery with large cap stocks like a 30% return is good with small cap stocks a 30% time return is not even wor worth your time so it's like a very tricky so Warner Brothers Discovery is like a recent merger gigantic reverse mer...
Martin Shkreli: «Nvidia Delivered One Hell Of A Quarter» - 26 billion big number not big enough and then guidance where's guidance 28 billion pretty good pretty good so 26 and 28 this is just what they needed to stay flat in my opinion I don't think it's going to go up too much but this is kind of what what ...
Kamala's Economic Plan (ft. Martin Shkreli), DNC Report, and PIRATE IDOL 🏴☠️ - Welcome Back Martin Shkreli to the pod! comm's Economic Policy red lines are brat K's plan to ban price gouging in grocery stores drives me crazy Planned Parenthood also announced they would be providing free vasectomies no but seriously how does the...
8/23 - a variety of stocks - great hi everyone I uh am ready to look at a bunch of stocks with you isn't that great I love that I love that for us what's up Tim first let make sure my ex fans know about this did you guys see yesterday the the guy who set his wife slept with uh s...
Martin Shkreli: «Bro, Intel Is Going Bankrupt» - okay wow uh so Intel's not really making much cash flow I thought they would have a big wow bro Intel's going to bankrupt the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this bro I can't believe what I'm seeing this is a prank the [ __ ] so you got two billion in annualize...
Crypto News Update: $4.5B Fine, Trump's Mining, Shkreli's Wu-Tang Trouble - did you know that the cryptocurrency industry just got hit with a staggering $4.5 billion fine what does this mean for the future of digital currencies let's dive into the implications today we're unpacking three major stories in the crypto World we'...
Martin Shkreli Analyse Activion Blizzard Stock (Full Excel Valuation) - it's called godell it's my new platform that I made so I hope you all join it someday when it's more open to the public right now you have to ask for a beta I have a link to the beta I'll drop it a little later all right let's see here that'd be funn...
8-21: $IOVA deep dive - hey everyone um thanks for watching I am Martin scy this is a deep dive into a company called iance so we're going to look at iance uh in the best most thorough way we can time permitting and then try to um I think my mic's on the wrong mic can you g...
Martin Shkreli: "Destiny & HasanAbi Are Not SMART" - streaming on Kick oh I have one viewer isn't that great this is uh ammy I love you ammy [Music] um yeah amarinth is um a porn star now this is Hassan Obby I don't you know what I don't understand about these [ __ ] twitch people is they're not intell...
Martin Shkreli: «This Is The Number 1 Best Lesson In Investing» - all right let's look at the cash flow every year if you had to look at one thing when you look through these documents you can see that I'm pretty patient and I go through them slowly you have to look at one thing right it's this net cash provided by...
$BMY deep dive - hi everyone we're going to do a single stock today uh Bristol Meers one of my old favorites one of the first companies I ever looked at actually so let's get to it I'm going to get a Red Bull too I need the bull for for this can you guys hear me okay...
8-15: Evaluating Stocks, Startup Techniques - hey everyone hope you're doing well on this beautiful Thursday I am Martin scy and I'm here to help I guess answer any questions you have about startups investing and maybe show you how I invest some techniques um I hope you can hear me [Music] okay ...
Martin Shkreli Analyse Intel Inc (Excel Valuation Of Stock) - okay here's the guidance wow 10 to 11 billion 30% gross margin wow what a stinker they laid an egg that's not a good run rate right [Music] for interesting they didn't give guidance for 2023 until the Great American shrinking [Music] company that mig...
Martin Shkreli Analyse Airbnb Stock (Full Excel Valuation) - uh you generally do not get paid for going on TV you can't really get paid and have it be partial impartial all right so Airbnb is clocking in 2.8 billion in Revenue last quarter and that's up a lot but we have to look at the co experience they're pr...
Martin Shkreli: «Paul Le Roux Is Satoshi Nakamoto» - if you're just joining I seem to be revealing that uh Paulo is a um Satoshi Nakamoto which um is a it's not something that I woke up today expecting I'll tell you that up today y so isn't that just you're breaking up I can't hear you at all can you r...
Martin Shkreli Looks At The Latest Sofi Earnings Report - Intro let's see I maybe have time for one more stock Sofi was the request I haven't looked at this in a while I remember when my friend created Sofi um I was having dinner with him in San Fran and he was like I've been thinking about Banks and like w...
Martin Shkreli Looks At The Latest Tesla Earnings Report (Q2 2024) - let's do Tesla real quick just because just because right Tesla's at 190 right now yeah it's kind of been choppy for the last you know several years Tesla doesn't do well they of course they do SEC filings everyone has to but they do the investing le...
Judge orders Martin Shkreli to turn over all copies of unreleased Wu-Tang Clan album | CVR ENGLISH - martinr WS double farmer bro for boosting the price of life-saving drug was ordered by a federal judge Monday to turn over all copies of Vang Clans and released once upon a time in a Shaolin album to his lawyers by Friday judge pamila kchen in Brookl...
Martin Shkreli ordered to give up copies of unreleased Wu-tang Clan album - martiny ordered to give up copies of unreleased wuang Clan album martiny must hand over his copies of an unreleased wuang Clan album to his lawyers Friday he must also report the names of anyone he shared the music with by September 30 the ruling is ...
Judge orders Martin Shkreli to turn over all copies of unreleased Wu-Tang Clan album - Martin Shkreli has been ordered to turn over copies of a largely unreleased Wu Tang Clan album to his lawyers. Shkreli is the man dubbed the Pharma bro. After he seemed to take pleasure in boosting the price of a life saving drug. He bought the only ...
Martin Shkreli ordered to give up all copies of one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album - Mariah Care's mother Patricia and sister Allison on the same day over the weekend the US singer has said in a statement my heart is broken that I've lost my mother this past weekend Carrie said on Monday sadly in a tragic turn of events my sister los...
Martin Shkreli Does Day Trading On Live Stream - all right Market's open how we doing looks like sea is finally down a little shut up don't make trashy come out and SWAT you in the face got AMC dropping we got to buy some of that oh man my twws something's wrong order filled I should restart this t...
Judge Orders Martin Shkreli to Surrender All Copies of Unreleased Wu Tang Clan Album - Martin schelly Infamous for hiking drug prices and acquiring wuang Clans Once Upon a Time in sholon for $2 million is now facing legal action from pleaser da a cryptocurrency collective that purchased the album for $475 million after scy was forced t...
Martin Shkreli: «Zoom Is An Easy Double» - which of those should I look at I think i' I want to look at Zoom so Zoom is a weird weird software company I kind of consider them to be an Enterprise company [Music] um 58 bucks a share by the way all these models are available on my GitHub uh term...
Martin Shkreli inutusan ng korte na isauli ang kopya ng rare Wu-Tang Clan album - [Music] Mar unreleased Wang Clan album Once Upon a Time in double rap black community [Music] marace 475 million p World rarest [Music]
New Blockbuster in Eyecare! Tarsus Pharmaceuticals TARS Stock | Martin Shkreli - Tarsus Pharmaceuticals wow that's a lot of Revenue all right let's do Tarsus all right $26 stock looks like a eye disease company eye disease can be profitable very profitable in fact it's a rather important organ 1 billion market cap every biotech e...
Martin Shkreli Daytrades Live On Stream - all right Market's open how we doing looks like sea is finally down a little shut up don't make trashy come out and SWAT you in the face got AMC dropping we got to buy some of that oh man my twws something's wrong order filled I should restart this t...
8/26 - stocks - e e that can you guys hear me now yes hello all right great we're here what's up everyone Hi Samir utav toot fried pickle corpse flat dunster shark stero uh get good um bound music uh Anna of course uh hope you're all good um I'm Martin scowley we're...
Martin Shkreli F***ed Up Again - Nory world you all remember Martin scr right the infamous farmer bro a couple years back who jacked up all those insulin prices the most hated man in America they called him but what some might remember is that he purchased a one-of-a-kind Wu Tang al...
Martin Shkreli ordered to surrender his rare Wu-Tang album copies, judge decides - a federal judge has ordered Martin Shelly to surrender his copies of wuang Clans Once Upon a Time in Shaolin the ruling came after schelli who forfeited the rare album as part of his criminal case argued that he had a right to keep duplicates judge P...
Martin Shkreli Buys Microsoft Stock After Crunching The Numbers - so if you look at Microsoft's net income they're in 16.7 billion [Music] um 16.7 billion uh last quarter so in a year right I'm just going to multiply by four that's 67 billion all right well I'm going to take the Enterprise Value and divide by 67 bi...