Gutfeld! 9/4/24 FULL SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS Sep 4, 2024 TRUMP News | Gutfeld Show Today, 9/4

I [Applause] know I know I feel the same way about me happy Wednesday everyone oh boy Brian stelter returning to see it in the network also announced their office cafeteria will be open 24 hours a day CNN claims that stelter's hiring is a bold move to increase their workplace diversity by adding a potato and who better to cover Joe Biden's last days than a vegetable you know Brian claimed that getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to him even better than getting married having kids or when Wendy's created the Baconator it's good sandwich fun fact after being fired stelter said he had moved to a horse farm but now that he's finished eating he's ready to return to [Laughter] work CNN staffers expressed little pleasure in stelter's return but many were hopeful that this time around he gets his own bathroom stelter will once again publish a reliable sources newsletter but also get his own streaming service CNN plus size never over but CNN and Brian Selter are a perfect match one is a bloated lying irrelevant disgusting unwatchable mess and the other is Brian Selter you could have gone either way he reports that his job as Chief media analyst requires him to sit and watch a ton of TV which does play to a skill set of sitting [Laughter] but it is strange that CNN would rehire somebody two years after firing him for a job that anyone could do why stelter he had terrible ratings no one liked him he was wrong on every major story seriously the only person who benefits from this is me thank you thank you CNN and finally in other news uh scientists have discovered a doughnut-shaped region of the Earth's core where seismic waves travel more slowly than in the rest of the core did someone say donut all right we're going to have more on him later God knows there's a lot you can put on him so Donald Trump gave an interview to scientist Lex fredman yesterday now may not be the biggest news but it does tell you that Trump's not only willing to talk about his policies but he'll talk to anyone everyone at any time he'll put everything out there answer any questions so you know who he really is now compare that to Harris imagine if they were real estate agents Trump would take you on multiple House tours show you every nook and cranny the showerheads the basement the utility room he'll show you the servants entrance which isn't a euphemism and the mud room which is he might never shut up as he points out the woodwork in the crawl space as you get more than ever you ever wanted to know before making an offer now compare that to Harris if she were the agent all you'd have is a single picture on the website and it might look like this but when you go to see it it looks like this see Trump not only has nothing to hide it wouldn't matter to him if he did he he'll tell tell you where he stands on anything even when bullets are flying he still has to get the last word in the Trump Vance ticket has done about 37 interviews last since last month compared to only one for Harrison Waltz so wherever you stand politically the fact that Trump will tell us what he intends to do in office makes him right now the far superior candidate well that and he didn't bang Willie Brown but truth is KLA is quite burdened by her past whether it was helping to destroy San Francisco her bang up job with our Southern border or that she fakes phone calls like when kilme calls me asking for money meanwhile with Lex and Trump Donald show showed his usual flare for nuance like is kamla a Marxist well she's a Marxist her her father's a Marxist that's right and she's advocated a little unusual you know whenever we use terms like communism for her and I don't know if you know this but some people call you a fascist yeah they do so I figure it's all right to call them a communist yeah they call me a lot worse than I call them there you go then fredman bragged that he had a lot of friends I have a lot of friends who are independent many of whom like your policies but they are troubled by what happened the 2020 election and um statements about widespread fraud what can you say to those uh independent voters to help them decide who to vote for right I think the fraud was on the other side I think the election was a fraud and many people felt it was that and they wanted answers and when you can't challenge an election you have to be able to challenge it now Trump trump makes a good point just because they don't let you prove something doesn't mean it isn't true that's why until you come to measure my height I still assert I'm 5' 7 but what about UFOs of course A lot of people are very interested in footage of UFOs a lot of people are very interested in footage of UFOs the the Pentagon has released a few uh videos and there's been anecdotal reports from fighter pilots so a lot of people want to know will you you help push the Pentagon to release more footage which a lot of people claim is available oh yeah sure I'll do that I would do that I'd love to do that I have to do that see now it's not clear if Trump really believes in UFOs but he sees it's an apolitical issue we're just being curious is a sure win because we all want to know for example our anal probes all they're cracked up to be I'm still not convinced aliens prove me wrong Trump also suggested he'd release Jeffrey Epstein's entire Client List it's just very strange for a lot of people that uh the list of clients that went to the island is not been made public yeah it's it's very interesting isn't it probably will be by the way probably so if you able to you'll be yeah had certainly take a look at it yeah maybe finally all those famous Libs who claim they'll leave the country if Trump wins actually will he also pondered God I wonder if he thinks our country is missing a lot of religion I think our country is missing a lot of religion I think it really was a much better place with religion it it was some it was almost a guide you know to a certain extent it was a guide you want to be good to people without religion there's no real there no guard rails I'd love to see us get back to religion more religion in this country you know he's right praising God sure beats worshiping a golden cow now I had to get out of there somewhere Lex also asked Trump if he thought much about death I wonder if it is what it is it is what it is say that to my urologist every month but you also can't argue with Trump's assessment of life and you know to a certain extent life is what you do while you're waiting to die so you might as well do a good [Applause] job take that Aristotle in your face Playdoh Trump pretty much sums up the meaning of life in his own way calm thoughtful no political bullsh a little harsh maybe just a billionaire every man the guy that Americans relate to far more than what's become of the Dems I mean look at their candidate which her party is happy to hide cuz transparency would only reveal a vast nothingness a lonely cackle in the wilderness a career hack that hides her views and let a palace coup against her boss and yet it's Trump the known quantity who's the risk but God forbid you be objective over him because that only help him for some reason the mainstream media how what are we nine years in to Donald Trump's era in American politics still doesn't know how to cover Donald Trump and their objective and I put that word in quotes their objectivity actually uh is not objective at all it ends up playing to Donald Trump's Advantage every day because they are so numbed by the hate okay let me translate those anuses if we play up the threat enough then we don't have to be objective it's a circular argument for [ __ ] people when I tell you being unbiased is wrong I'm actually being biased when I say it but that's okay because being unbiased is wrong you follow nope neither do I meanwhile they ignore the fact that the guy they claim is an unforeseen danger will talk to anyone who listen remember it was Trump who actually went and talked a little rocket man who told NATO and China to pay up who told Mexico to knock it off this was the Donald Trump who would actually talk to you and not have the media do it for him let's welcome he's a political force who got kicked by a horse Washington Times opinion edor F Charlie Harr she's known by one name like Sher Madonna and Sam Anella host of the Kennedy saints world podcast Kennedy even after covid audiences insist he wear a mask writer and comedian Jo Deo and he didn't vote for Biden and he still stayed black New York Times best telling comedian Charlie Charlie Charlie you just cackle away when Trump talks and it's why is it it's a natural inclin why do you find him I find him hilarious but people listen to him and their steam comes out I think it's because we have both spent our lives in the media I've spent my entire adult life covering politicians who are so full of all the time and for the first time somebody comes along and actually says things that not not everything he says is true but he does say things that that is true which is better than any other politician that everything they say is a lie except for this guy and he says uh and and you know what that interview it's so it was a fascinating interview 50 minutes of two very intelligent people a guy who is so confident in who he is who's willing to sort of uh Wander into areas and answer questions that if you had if had been to politician school he would never answer like the nabg J thing where he goes in and as you pointed out um you know the problem was it was are you going to play the game or not as soon as he answers the question he's playing the game the guy doesn't know how to not answer the question and if that's not what we're looking for in politics then then this isn't going to work that's what we want in politics that's what we need in politics all right Kennedy um see how they applaud when I say your name I think that's what it wasn't Charlie's great point no not at all not at all no one made sense of that little so so uh uh Lex fredman is from MIT he's a computer engineer computer scientist do you think KLA would have been able to do that interview that's so fun um there's only one way to find out and I think you know now is the time because people are getting sick of her shtick uh now would be a great time for her to go on a show like that and answer some questions what did she know about the visitor logs at Epstein Island what does she know about aliens what does she know about economics yes and you know that would be a wonderful chance for her because she's been so good lately at stifling her laugh um so but to put her in a position where she's so uncomfortable and awkward she just have start going um but every time every time Trump does an honest interview like that and talks about things that set you up to talk about anal probes which I think is really you know the gift we've all received tonight hopefully a little something later from the grades if you know what I'm saying it's it's another chance for Tim Wall's family to defect and more of them to join team Trump yeah a whole group of walls' family just endorse Trump which is uh we just heard about which is pretty hilarious Joe they they talk about oh thank you Applause for me not for anybody else Joe they also talked about drugs were you surprised by Trump's response I didn't keep it in here in the thing but he basically said yeah drugs medical Mar he talked about medical marijuana yeah he doesn't care he doesn't care the only intoxicant he gets near is if there's any hairspray that he inhales by a mistake I I thought it was a great interview uh he was calm he talked over the the policy he wanted to I think it's hilarious where Lex fredman will say what about the aliens when and Trump's like yeah sure yeah sure you want to see that no problem yeah did Bigfoot shoot JFK we'll take a look at it he doesn't he he's not just covering anything up plus he would be a one-term president so he's going to he's going to let all that stuff come out if he gets elected again I I think the most important thing I learned from this was could KLA Harris sit down for an unscripted casual talk like that could she do an hour could she do 15 minutes could she do 2 minutes without having Tim wall in her lap like Mr Bigglesworth like she's petting her cat so I I think that's what we learned and Trump came across really chill and I think if she does talk to him uh Freeman's a technology expert maybe he can explain to her how a phone works she doesn't seem to understand that if you have headphones you don't need to hold it next to your head and if the Obamas are on speaker phone and you're wearing a lavalier mic and there's a camera in front of you you don't need to go oh who's this yeah he kind of mirror Trump kind of mirrors the people he talks to and it like he became kind of more more almost like relaxed with Lex what what stuck out for you I going to be honest man uh I'm sure he's a great scientist but I felt like I was being poured a warm glass of milk on my face every time he talked I'm sorry I mean he might be a genius but he literally sound like the kid who doesn't read good in the third grade reading to the class and you're just hey today guys spot is going to the farm and the farm is red and I'm like you're a scientist like I guess you didn't have time for speech class bro and I thought what Trump did was hilarious cuz he did what I would do I think he thought he was with him like no one talks this slow I will out slow talk you and they had a slow talk battle that was epic I would have tapped out I would have probably got physically aggressive with him like you don't speak the up I'm going to kill you like he just was so slow you got to do it at one and a half speed no I mean I'm just tell I just can't y'all have a friend like that who takes forever to spit out and you're like spit this out man like so it's only 24 hours in a day but Trump did great yeah but Lex hey cure cancer cool but don't talk about it well done all right so excited why CNN widened the doors and reinforced the [Applause] floors the portly Pillsbury pontificator returns Kennedy two years after the cancellation of his show reliable sources cuz no one watched it stelter's returning to CNN in a new new role as Chief media analyst what kind of job is it that you get fired for they can't find anyone else for a job anyone can do yeah and they give it to him well I think you're saying it wrong it's chief mey analyst which is a totally different and far more appropriate job title than had in the past um so who else is CNN going to bring back Don Lemon m Wolf Blitzer is he gone I don't watch CNN I have no idea not at all nobody knows know anyone no they should bring back Larry King oh Greg you get ratings you'd watch it really would I mean really at that point how much different is it you know we do have uh let's go walk down memory lane Tyrus shall we I can't wait Bryan stelter is leaving CNN I know yeah apparently he wants to spend more time with his food she's alleged to be more careless with guns than stelter is with carbs this is Kayla lauu here she is along with her friends Brian and stelter they're more Pie in the Sky than the drone delivery from Brian stelter's Bakery it's normal to be attracted to people who don't look sick or tired puffy and obese or all of the above our border security is about as reliable as Brian stelter's food diary that age about as well as stelter's hair Air Line waistline and jawline they've thrown more shade his way than stelter does sitting on a snow globe or stelter who's built like an unripe avocado I haven't seen that violent a reaction since Brian stelter was shorter to McNugget in his Happy Meal pulling for Joe is sinking faster than Brian stelter in a hot air balloon it's never over I'm never letting it go I'm never letting him go just going to hug his little round body so they bury me in the same coffin which will be a piano case all right Tyrus he claims he's changed he moved to New Jersey and now he's a changed man how do you think he's Chang and how no I don't think he's changed and and your Feud with him is beautiful I love that you hold a grudge forever Greg would die and come back just to flip him off just for that moment I I think he's a rat I I think he helped get rid of lemon I think he helped get rid of Kumo he did all the stuff and then they just let him slit a wild cuz no one I'm telling you I've been fired by the best no one has ever fired me brought me back and gave me a promotion just doesn't doesn't work you know what I'm saying like he was fired cuz he sucked no matter how much Greg how much you kept him in the Limelight and kept him everyone else was like who is that Humpty guy that he keeps talking about they work so hard he did all the dirty work for him and then they bring him him back so I guess there's somebody else they want to get rid of M because he's the guy who will rat on everybody and tell on everybody I mean he said he moved to Jersey I ain't seen him and if I did I don't think would' [Laughter] hug yeah and he's easy to see in Jersey he claims Joe that he's grown you know oh it's just it's as a writer for this show it's just this is Christmas come early yes for us for these jokes cuz he said that um it's Fat Tuesday but it's Wednesday uh he said he was on a horse farm and if he was riding I hope those horses get the chiropractic care that they they will need but the the real question to me is can CNN get some new resumés in the mix because not only they bring back him and he was ratings poison but they also brought back Jeffrey tubin who was you know had that really sexy Zoom meeting when he couldn't keep his hands off himself so at least we know that Brian stelter will not be touching himself in front of a laptop uh unless andless he stumbles across the Chick-fil-A website then was it was it tubin made like the Zar of Zoom or something like that he got a promotion too when he came back right did he get a crown yes all right okay Charlie I I I I I go back to this thing that he claims that he's changed like he somehow moved closer to to uh Donald Trump's uh uh uh Country Club in New Jersey and that made him a more of a man of the people did you and that's going to make him more like aware of the other side yeah I I don't think it's going to work I think the I think what CNN is really thinking about is that the only ratings they ever got was when you would replay the stuff that he would say and point so they're going for that yeah I think I think you know C maybe that's why the CNN hired him or they got tired of our joy bear jokes cuz like when Selter went away I had only joy bear and um yeah they get jealous yeah Jerry Nadler and lizo and Liz and lizo lost weight God love her she lost a lot of weight I thought stelter went on OIC and grew a beard and got like hair plugs he's going to look totally he's going to look like Travis Kelce if you put him upside down and went like that to him all right we must move on that was fun oh every day it's going to be stelter day up next she touted Dei with Glee while working for the CCP hey it's video of the day of course a Chinese spy was pushing Dei our video of the day comes to us from Linda Sun what a great name New York Governor Kathy hokel former deputy chief of staff who was AR arrested for allegedly acting on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party 2020 clip of Linda has resurfaced where she explains the importance of diversity equity and inclusion roll it eagor when people say diversity and inclusion I think everybody agrees or most people generally agree that it's a good thing right um but I think right now we also need to bring in the word Equity right um diversity is when you say that there's you know many different types of people with different backgrounds and they're all you know invited to the table inclusion is when you know we include all of their ideas but Equity is when we make sure that all of the people who are at the table have equal access to making sure that their ideas and their thoughts are heard right so let me get this straight an alleged agent of the Chinese Communist party is lecturing us about diversity equity and inclusion just take a look at the Verity in the CCP it's all old Chinese guys just like my internet search [Laughter] history since then Linda's been charged with violating the foreign agent registration act Visa fraud money laundering and alien smuggling son originally began her career in Albany working under Andrew Cuomo which leads us to believe she probably has a nice ass sexist would say deito she allegedly made Millions uh she bought homes in New York and Hawaii even a Ferrari yes um does that say Dei to you spying for China I I had her pegged for maybe Republic of Zimbabwe I thought maybe she would spying for them uh what amazes me is that it's such an obvious scam that she gets these houses she gets you you see she's driving around in a Ferrari and she also received uh a dozen salted nanging Ducks was something she was paid off with so there's no one in the government who can say five salted Nanjing Ducks maybe yeah but you get to be about a doz something funny is going on here you know what I say if it walks like a duck salt that baby up well this is I think this shows you how bad uh Dei is because if it were something that was productive the countries that are against us wouldn't be trying so hard to push it on us cuz Dei does first when she says everybody not everyone needs to get a seat at the table some people have stupid ideas yes they do so that's why they're promoting this because they know that if you promote this you get less qualified people you get Dumber people and you start to bring down the things that already work right now and I think it's extra insulting because if you look at people who are the opposite of Dei it's asian-americans who are notorious for their insane work ethic and the success that's brought them them and their families they're the opposite of Dei that's the the the group of people who we should look at and say if you structure life like that you will be a success you don't need the government's thumb on anything all right Tyrus are you shocked by this no I'm shocked to how stupid we are yeah what a brilliant idea like they convinced us to send one-legged Runners to the Olympics and then we were shocked when they didn't win that's what it is she's like yeah more more equity and Equity part of DUI is it means any color or whatever you do in the bedroom plus you're dumb so they bring you they bring you in a job so she wants more dumb un unqualified people you're making this job easy that's why she got 12 instead of five Samsung Ducks whatever the hell you say so jobs I've listed them a 100 times working in the service industry and bartending and cooking and washing dishes and construction McDonald not McDonald's that was a lie um and I see other she didn't work at McDonald's right she did not well we there's no evidence of it she work in McDonald's so far no evidence I don't think so based on what I said here's my question she wants to raise corporate taxes she wants to raise small business taxes capital gain taxes estate taxes the the international corporate minimum tax uh to the point where America won't be competitive anymore and your tax cuts are about to expire in 2025 what does this mean to the economy what does it mean for everybody here struggling so I gave you the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country if you let them if you let the Trump tax cuts expire what she wants to do she wants to terminate them if you do that you will suffer the biggest tax increase in history there's never been a tax increase like it on top of which she wants add a lot of tax this country will end up and I've said this a lot and I mean it this country will end up in a depression if she becomes president like 1929 this will be a 1929 depression she has no idea what the hell she's doing what if unrealized capital gains taxes were implemented what she wants to do that this is where you have something you don't even know what the value is I tell you what if that's going to happen go out and open and Appraisal cuz you're going to make a fortune that's about the only group that's going to make it and accountants uh it is the craziest idea and remember this very rich people and big International corporations they don't have to stay in the United States and they will be forced to leave for other countries they can't afford to do a thing like that they may have great wealth and no cash and they're going to have to pay cash where are they going to get their cash uh if they do that the unrealized capital gain it's it's you know it's been talked about for a few years by ultr marxists only like her father's a Marxist her father's a Marxist teacher of Economics can you believe this but if that happened this country and and I think forgetting about that that particular she she's got a lot of things that are just as bad if she gets in I think we will have a depression 1929 style depression that's what I think will happen to country already they've set us on a path what about price gauging as she calls it or gouging well she called it gauging and and what if they Implement that and then price controls that's been tried in many times the former Soviet Union Venezuela even in this country in the 70s it was a disaster yeah every time it's been tried no matter over hundreds of years not just over hundreds of years price controls you end up with no product you end up with massive inflation and you end up with the destru of how does this impact how do high interest rates impact how does inflation impact everybody that's here well they can't buy a home they can't do anything your business is stopped up you can't borrow money and by the way I had interest rates of 2% now they're 10% but you can't get the money you can't get the money there's no money available so 10% is right you know if you can't get the money 10% is not the right number it's got to be much more than that you can't borrow money to buy a house now it it really is unbelievable so we have all of this now let me talk about in 6 days you will have probably your only opportunity to debate KL Harris yeah if if I I I vote instead of George stephanopoulos's Network that I get to moderate the debate um just okay but I I havec is not ABC is the worst network in terms of fairness they had a poll where I was 17 points down a couple of days prior to the election I was 17 points down in Wisconsin and they do that so people don't vote because you know hey I love Trump but he's 17 points down I'm not going to go out and vote uh I was 17 points down and I won and I called the begest the best puler I said why wouldn't they say five or four or three because at 3: you go and vote at 17 your people say I want to vote but you know I'm busy I have other things to do let's go see a movie and we'll watch the results later they are the most dishonest Network the meanest the nastiest but that was what I was presented with I was presented with ABC George sadis you know who he is and he's a nasty guy and yet he's a nasty guy guy I've had him up to here but but let me tell you let me tell you he's a very very bad kind of a guy but I watched his interview of Joe Biden it was like the softest interview I've ever seen it was softer than the CNN interview of Camala so but they're very nasty and I think a lot of people are going to be watching to see how nasty they are how unfair they are I agreed to do it because they wouldn't do any other Network she she the other thing is her best friend is the head of the network her husband's best friend is married to the head of the network imagine discovering your husband is planning a weekend getaway with your baby but when you eagerly suggest joining he hesitates only to reveal that his ex-wife will be there too how would you feel if he wasn't even planning to tell you I'm in my late 30s married to a man in his mid-40s and we have a beautiful 8-month old together my husband's previous marriage ended long before we met but he's managed to maintain a close friendship with his ex-wife close enough that she recently moved into the apartment we left behind when we relocated out of state for his work I've tried to be cool with their friendship as long as they're open and honest about spending time together but there was one incident that really shook me a few years ago they went on a trip together and he conveniently forgot to mention she be joining him that Revelation led to a massive argument despite that I've met her spent time with her and her new partner and their child their relationship seems entirely platonic or at least that's what I've convinced myself to believe they also share a group of mutual friends and one of those friends is celebrating a milestone birthday this weekend my husband excitedly booked tickets for himself and our baby to attend the outof state party now I work in a demanding medical job and I rarely know my schedule in advance so when I found out that I had the upcoming weekend off I was thrilled and couldn't wait to join them but when I shared the news with my husband his reaction wasn't what I expected instead of being happy he seemed put out and told me he'd have to check with his friends if it was okay for me to come along he also said he wasn't sure I'd have a good time considering how things went the last time we hung out with these friends his hesitation bothered me so I pushed further asking if his ex-wife would be there that's when he admitted that she would be and without her own family according to him he had already told me this but he hadn't I get that the last time we saw these friends I was extremely pregnant unwell and had a health scared that left me terrified I understand why he might think I wouldn't enjoy myself this time around but the fact that he didn't even want to include me or worse that he didn't see why I'd be upset about this makes me feel like I'm losing my mind if roles were reversed and I was worried he wouldn't have fun I'd still want him there and would ask what can I do to make sure you enjoy yourself but what really gets me is the idea that he has to ask his friends if his wife can join when other partners are going shouldn't I automatically be included I've always thought of myself as a reasonable laid-back person but this situation has me questioning everything I don't have anyone unbiased to talk to about this so I'm turning to you am I overreacting or do I have every right to be this upset what would you do in my situation advice to op it's understandable to feel upset and left out especially since your husband wasn't upfront with you trust and communication are key in any relation a ship you should calmly Express how this situation makes you feel and why it's important for you to be included let him know that while you respect his friendships your feelings and inclusion in important events are just as valid encourage an open dialogue about boundaries with his ex to ensure you both feel secure in the relationship for for for for e SU [Music] for for for

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Category: News & Politics

♪ ♪ >> dana: gold star families of the 13 heroes killed are defending president trump's visit to arlington ceremony as president harris said this. donald trump's team chose to film a video there resulting in an altercation with cemetery staff. let me be clear, the former president disrespected sacred... Read more

'The Five' reacts to Kamala's DNC acceptance speech thumbnail
'The Five' reacts to Kamala's DNC acceptance speech

Category: News & Politics

Here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. jesse watters a lot of judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, katie pavlich, antivirus. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fox news alert. rfk jr. dropping the biggest bombshell yet of the 2024 race. he is suspending his campaign... Read more