mtg ban announcement
Country: us | Search volume: 1000 | Started At: 2024-08-26 | Ended At: Ongoing
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Modern | Thoughts for August Ban Announcement - Intro what's up everybody hope you're having an awesome Sunday so far uh so as you can tell from the title of the video as well as the lovely image you see on your screen here we have got a ban announcement tomorrow ban and restricted announcement no...
We Predict the Ban List and Foundations | MTGGoldfish Podcast #498 - hello everyone and welcome to episode 498 of the MTG old fish podcast I'm Seth probably better know as zff FR Olive and we have the small crew here this week Richard couldn't be here he's uh off in China at the moment but we have with us Crim how's i...
How do we Fix Pioneer? - Pioneers got some problems but I think we can fix them what's up guys doomwake here and welcome back to another discussion video on the channel as you can see by the title in the intro Pioneer is in a bit of a weird spot right now and I wanted to hav...
Speculating the B&R announcements #mtglegacy - what you're about to see are two possible futures for legacy next on Eternal Turtles this episode is supported by our dtl Maniacs who enjoy AdFree content as well as bonus content that can be found either on patreon Spotify or YouTube if you're think...
Potential Pioneer Bans!? | What could be on the chopping block? - Intro let's talk Pioneer meta let's talk Pioneer format and let's talk potential Pioneer bands hey everyone timus Tom here to talk Pioneer one of my favorite Magic the Gathering formats and my preferred format of choice right now to play I know that ...
10 cards that will likely be banned soon!!! Live Podcast 325| Sub count: 788| Sub goal: 800 - e [Music] the [Music] the [Music] hello snakes my name is dy and today it is podcast Tuesday once again and now we're going to go over the 10 most likely cards that will be get that will get banned in the in in basically the and that's ban announc wh...
Can We Fix the Banlist Announcement Schedule? - what's up guys Doom M here and welcome back to another discussion video on the channel I saw in the comments and the content and just the overall numbers that the discussion videos that we did last week really overperform so you guys seem to like tha...
No B&R Announcement Until August 26!? - WOTC Is Doubling Down - Blake @ WeeklyMTG uh we have received a number of comments about doing an off-cycle BNR announcement uh particularly in relation to nadu's performance at the pro tour coupled with the timing of the upcoming modern rcq season which kicks off in about ...
An Alternative to the Incoming Ban Announcement #mtglegacy - an alternative solution to ban announcements next on Eternal dles this episode is supported by our derle Maniacs who enjoy adree content as well as bonus content that can be found either on patreon Spotify or YouTube if you're thinking about supporti...
MTG’s June 2024 Ban & Restriction Announcement! - [Music] all right let's make some magic and move into our next topic Magic the Gathering they recently had an updated band list come out this week literally what yesterday and uh I guess no news is good news because they didn't do [ __ ] let's take a...
Does This Magic: The Gathering Card Need To Be Banned? - Intro [Music] did you know that modern's band list currently consists of 50 Magic the Gathering cards some cards on this list have lived there since the format's conception While others are more recent editions some are noticeably stronger than other...
win MH3 on arena and the ban announcement - hey magic fans welcome back this is your captain speaking here on Captain Clyde's MTG got a quick one today but some very interesting news I'm going to catch up with as we start doubling it up on the videos for the next couple days we're going to tal...
Reacting to the BnR Announcement: Legacy NEEDS A Community Panel - next on Eternal [Music] dles hey I just want to give a quick shout out to all of our patreon supporters out there thank you to The dirle Maniacs if you want to be a dtl maniac go to Eternal dles and help support the channel it keeps thing...
2024's Standard Ban Announced Has Me FUMING! + State of the Game Address From Me - hey guys Des SL magic here and I am absolutely pissed while also not being all that surprised so apparently today was the bad announcement for standard and I mean the ban announcement they have limited themselves unless they go back on it which they ...
BloomBurrow Leaks + MTG Banned & Restricted Update - it's another wacky Day In The World of Magic the Gathering wizard to the coast has just released a very underwhelming banned and restricted update announcement on top of that we have a bloomo leak this is my most hyped set of the year and if that was...
Magic: the Gathering Banned and Restricted Announcement 6.24.24 | Reactions & Thoughts | MTG Arena - what's up everybody welcome back to the channel today we have a banned and restricted announcement and oh boy is it a doozy no not the fact that maybe potentially your favorite deck is getting banned to the shadow realm but no changes hold on what is...
MTG Ban Announcement June 2024 - Standard it's time again for the banned restricted announcements and Magic the Gathering and despite some increased clamoring after the release of monor horizon 3 there are no new bands or changes in standard they know that this is exactly when they ...
No Changes - Modern Is Fine But Legacy In Shambles? | June 24 2024 B&R Discussion - Introduction the June 24th 2024 ban in restricted announcement gives us no changes in all formats the next update will be in August but I think there's a lot of really interesting points that are being made in this article now we knew off the top tha...